How to Save Money on Commercial Heating and Cooling Bills

When it comes to heating and cooling bills we are all looking to save money. But in corporate spaces where people are constantly shuffling in and out, is it possible? In this blog we investigate how to save money on commercial heating and cooling bills

1. Don’t Neglect Annual Maintenance

First and foremost, don’t neglect annual maintenance. While it might seem like an unnecessary cost at the time, skipping annual maintenance year after year is risky. Without proper care, the lifetime of HVAC equipment is greatly reduced and energy efficiency is decreased. 

2. Utilize Your Landscape

Strategically landscaping around your building can protect your commercial building’s HVAC equipment and promote energy conservation. In the winter months, direct sunlight can naturally increase the temperature of a space –– especially when blinds are open. During hot summer months, strategically planted trees can provide shade for roofs, walls, and windows.

3. Improve Building Insulation

Insulation can contribute to immense energy bill savings. Over time, normal wear and tear around windows and doors can lead to poor insulation. When hot air escapes during the winter, the heater has to work extra hard to keep the building at the set temperature; vice versa during the summer months. Annual insulation check-ups are worthwhile to ensure your building is functioning efficiently.

4. Keep Vents Open

In commercial buildings, it might be more difficult to ensure all vents are open. However, keeping vents open is important for maximizing energy efficiency and equipment performance. HVAC systems are sized according to space. When vents are closed, the space the HVAC system was sized for is reduced. 

Carrier's Infinity controls make it easy to program your heating and cooling system.

5. Install Programmable Thermostats

If your commercial building is not already operating with a programmable thermostat, now is the time to make the upgrade. Programmable Thermostats allow heating and cooling systems to operate on a schedule to conserve energy and reduce costs. To learn more about smart thermostats, check out our blog here.

6. Schedule an Energy Audit

Not sure where to begin? Scheduling an Energy Audit with a local utility company can provide a thorough analysis of your building and provide insight into where energy efficient upgrades can be implemented.

To speak to an expert from our team about commercial services, reach out to us today.

Our team of experts know how to discern the best solution for each home and are all NATE certified and factory trained. Give us a call now to consult about your air conditioner.

Plus, you’re always welcome to contact the trusted heating, cooling, and air quality experts at Total Temperature Control.

Whether you need 24-7 emergency service or a solution to improve your indoor comfort—at home and at work—call us at 781-224-2400 or submit a convenient contact form.

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