What is the best air conditioning system for a coastal home?

It may surprise you that the type of air conditioning system you need can vary based on the region and climate where you live. In Massachusetts, there are a variety of landscapes, and each can impact the choice you make when choosing an air conditioning unit. Living in a coastal home has numerous advantages, such as breathtaking views and fresh ocean breezes. Some of our customers are blessed enough to live amidst such natural beauty, and we've learned that HVAC for homes and offices along the coast require a little extra consideration. Coastal homes present unique challenges in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, particularly in the face of high humidity, salty air, and fluctuating temperatures. Additionally, when storms hit, they tend to hit the coastal regions the hardest. Thankfully, some systems can easily withstand such conditions, and choosing such a system becomes crucial to ensure optimal cooling, energy efficiency, and system longevity.


Key Considerations

Strong winds can affect the performance of the outdoor unit by altering the airflow around it.


Air conditioning systems typically have an outdoor unit that contains the condenser and compressor. Strong winds can affect the performance of the outdoor unit by altering the airflow around it. If the wind blows directly against the outdoor unit, it can impede airflow and reduce its ability to dissipate heat. This can decrease efficiency and cause the system to work harder, increasing energy consumption. To ensure this doesn't happen, choosing a durable system is key. Additionally, your HVAC technician can help you select a location for the outdoor unit to minimize potential damage.

Wind can also affect airflow distribution from the air conditioning system's vents. If the wind blows directly into the vents, it can disrupt the airflow patterns, leading to uneven cooling within the space. This can result in certain areas being too warm or too cold, depending on the direction and strength of the wind. Proper installation, weatherproofing the building, and installing a ductless system are all options to prevent this from happening.

Higher humidity levels increase the moisture load on an HVAC system, requiring it to work harder and longer to achieve the desired temperature.


 Higher humidity levels increase the moisture load on the system, requiring it to work harder and longer to achieve the desired temperature. Due to this, high humidity can lead to decreased cooling efficiency and increased energy consumption. Additionally, excessive moisture creates a favorable environment for the growth of mold, mildew, and other pollutants leading to potential health issues for occupants. Air conditioning systems help control humidity by removing excess moisture from the air, thus reducing the likelihood of mold and mildew growth. Choosing a system that has dehumidification processes and is fitted to the size of the home or office can remedy these concerns.

Salt Corrosion 

Saltwater, or salt-laden air, can corrode metal surfaces like condenser coils, fins, and outdoor unit casings. Corrosion compromises the integrity of the components, leading to reduced efficiency and potentially causing system malfunctions or failures. A trained HVAC professional can help select a system with corrosion-resistant coatings or materials that can better protect against salt damage. Additional methods to prevent salt corrosion on AC systems include:

  • Routine cleaning of outdoor units, condenser coils, and other susceptible parts to remove salt deposits.

  • Applying protective films

  • Mounting the outdoor unit on elevated platforms or stands which can reduce exposure to salt spray and flooding

  • Conducting more frequent inspections to address any salt-related issues promptly.

When outdoor temperatures rise, the system must work harder and run longer to overcome the increased heat load.

Fluctuating Temperatures

When outdoor temperatures rise, the system must work harder and run longer to overcome the increased heat load. This increased workload leads to higher energy consumption, as the system must compensate for the rising outdoor temperature and maintain the desired indoor comfort level, meaning an efficient system is essential. Fluctuating outdoor temperatures can make it more challenging to maintain consistent indoor comfort. If the outdoor temperature fluctuates significantly throughout the day, the air conditioning system may struggle to maintain a steady indoor temperature. A helpful solution to this is smart thermostats. Smart thermostats will adjust gradually with the fluctuations in heat, which reduces the strain on the cooling unit. Less strain on the system means improved comfort, lower utility bills, and an increased system lifespan.

Common Coastal Air Conditioners


Ductless Split System Air Conditioners

 Split system air conditioners are known for effectively dehumidifying and purifying the air, which is essential in coastal areas with high humidity levels. As they are ductless, there is less likelihood that wind will impact the system's function. Also, they offer precise temperature control, allowing you to maintain a comfortable environment even during extreme weather conditions. Other benefits include:

  • Energy efficiency

  • Easy installation

  • Zoning capabilities

  • They cool and heat

  • Quiet operation

  • Individualized comfort

Geothermal Heat Pumps

These systems utilize the ground's constant temperature to transfer heat, providing both cooling and heating capabilities. Geothermal heat pumps are particularly advantageous in coastal areas, as the stability of the ground temperature helps achieve consistent and efficient cooling throughout the year. They are also very resilient to weather conditions. Other benefits include:


  • Energy efficiency

  • They cool and heat

  • Eco-Friendly

  • Reduced maintenance

  • A lifespan of up to 25 years

  • Design flexibility


Please note that to determine the most suitable system for your coastal home or business, it is imperative that you consult with HVAC professionals who can assess your specific needs and provide personalized recommendations.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us


Whether you need 24-7 emergency service or a solution to improve your indoor comfort—at home and work—call us at 781-224-2400 or submit a convenient contact form.


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